Allie Cooper is a health and fitness blogger who loves to run. She has taken part in several half-marathons around the world. Her favourite marathons have been in Europe and Asia, with London and Tokyo being her top two locations to run. She is also interested in all things related to fitness and hopes to share this passion with her readers. When she isn’t running she can be found walking her two dogs.
MORE POSTS BY Allie Cooper
Gyms are opening up again, which is great news for those who are feeling cooped up or don’t have lots of equipment at home. Many people enjoy going to the gym precisely because working out with other people gives them a boost of motivation, but that’s not the case for others. Psychologist Rachel Goldman emphasises…
The UK is a nation of pet lovers, with data showing that 40% of the UK population own a pet! Dogs seem to be the preferred pet of choice for Brits, with 25% of pet owners owning at least one. That is unsurprising, as these pets offer loyal companionship like no other. If that isn’t…