Marvin is Head of Product at Anytime Fitness UK. His role includes building an improved member journey through our fitness products to build customer satisfaction and retention. He is involved in marketing our remote coaching service and workouts app. He has worked in the fitness industry for over 18 years developing programs and education for equipment suppliers and gym chains both nationally and internationally. He has experience covers most areas of health club operation and training people, ranging from children to elite athletes.
MORE POSTS BY Marvin Burton
How active are you on a daily basis? It’s a common question and the government regularly like to question our habits and inactivity, but for the people that aren’t in the majority and go to the gym, how productive is your time at the gym? You might be surprised by the stats…
The thought of writing down what you eat might scare you! However, if you have no idea of what you’re eating, it’s hard for you or your personal trainer to plan how to improve and you won’t be aware of how good/bad it is. So it helps both parties and becomes a very useful exercise if taken correctly. Read on to find out how you can take control of your eating habits with a simple food diary…
Fitness trackers can be a great idea. My favourite saying is “if you don’t measure, you can’t improve”. Monitoring your progress gives you a starting point so you can easily see how far you’ve come. But there are so many options out there now it’s easy to feel bewildered. Have you avoided data in the past because you’re unsure of the outcome or perhaps overwhelmed by the technology? We’re here to help give you confidence in what’s available and to show you the fantastic benefits of using trackers.