Should you eat before a workout? What kinds of things should you eat post-workout? Read on to find out more!
Eating before or after a workout
It is best to eat both before and after exercise. Obviously eating too closely isn’t ideal as you might end up feeling sick but providing your body with the fuel (food) required is important. The last thing you want is to feel dizzy or not have enough energy to enjoy your training session. Starting a workout on an empty stomach will not necessarily mean that you burn more body fat as a result, so fuel up even if weight loss is your goal – it won’t hinder your progress!
Best pre-workout foods
This would depend on many factors such as the type of exercise you are doing, your goals and current nutritional habits. However, generally, eating foods which release energy more slowly would be the most sensible choice. Porridge is a good option for breakfast or leaner meats with lighter foods, such as chicken and salad if you work out later in the day. Ensure you include a source of carbohydrates at every meal and make sure to fit in a quick snack if you’re training more than an hour or so after your last meal.
What to eat post-workout
Replenishing your body and recharging it is essential. Eating correctly after a workout will speed up and improve your recovery rate. It is important to remember that post-workout is a time for your body to repair and gain the benefits from your training, so you need to give it the correct building blocks to do this. These building blocks come from your food. Unfortunately rewarding yourself with junk food after a hard training session is not a good thing to do (even though you may feel like you deserve it).
Protein-packed post-workout food such as salmon (which contains good fats and has anti-inflammatory properties), sweet potatoes for some carbohydrates and green vegetables will provide you with an abundance of great vitamins and minerals for your body to recover and repair. The better your post-workout nutrition is, the better your results and improvements will show.
If you need some more food-related inspiration, check out our other nutrition blog posts here!
It is useful information, thanks for this, Keep posting !